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기상청 제공


Accelerate Your Business in South Korea Through 2019 K-Startup Grand Challenge

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire) May 30, 2019 -- Entrepreneurs from across the globe should set their sights on participating in the 2019 K-Startup Grand Challenge. 



Supported by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) of South Korea, the initiative provides invaluable support and comprehensive resources to early age startups. 

Applications for the K-Startup Grand Challenge are currently being accepted through June 14, 2019. In order to advance in the program, teams must pass a regional audition. 

A judging panel of startup ecosystem experts and Korean accelerators will select 40 teams to participate in an enriching 3.5 month-long acceleration program in Korea. 


The selected teams will have exclusive access to free office space at the Startup Campus in Pangyo Techno Valley, one-on-one mentoring, information sessions, coaching on Korean and Asian business culture and the chance to attend insightful seminars on accounting regulations to tax laws, patents and more. Opportunities for networking with executives from major Korean companies spanning from smartphones to semiconductors that are interested in collaborating with startups are also in store. Assistance will be available to foreign nationals who need help securing a proper visa through the Startup Immigration Support System of the NIPA, which has the distinction of being the “Global Center for Startup and Immigration.” 

The top 40 teams of the K-Startup Grand Challenge will receive a total of $10,840 over 3.5 months to cover living expenses. In addition, the top 20 startups will be eligible to receive a total of $10,840 each in additional grants for settlement in Korea based on the results of their Demo Day in early December and settlement evaluation. It will be interesting to see what brilliant ideas the teams present from AI, Blockchain, IoT, Big Data, FinTech, 5G, Biotech and other sectors. 

Since its inception, the K-Startup Grand Challenge has proven to be an outstanding success, fostering growth for international startups. Last year, 1,771 startups from 108 countries competed for a coveted spot in the program. 

The program has been published in TechCrunch. 

If you are ready to take your business to the next level and would like to participate in the 2019 K-Startup Grand Challenge, visit the official website and Facebook page or watch YouTube teaser video.

Website: http://www.nipa.kr/main.it

This is a news release distributed by Korea Newswire on behalf of this company 


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